User Research

User Research

At CubeZoo, we specialise in comprehensive user research methodologies tailored to mobile applications and website platforms. Our approach encompasses a thorough examination of target users, delving into their requirements, preferences, and challenges encountered during their interaction with digital interfaces. Through meticulous analysis, we endeavour to gain deep insights into user motivations, behaviours, and goals within the context of their digital usage scenarios.

This includes learning more about their needs and pain points when using mobile apps and websites. We aim to understand what they want to accomplish looking at the scenarios in which they use the mobile app or website.

The idea is to interact with the targeted mobile app or website users to understand who they are and how they use those platforms.

Dimensions of User Research

User Research Strategies


There are several approaches to the process of user research. According to Christian Rohrer from Nielsen Norman Group, to know when to use which user research method, each method is mapped across 3 dimensions and over time within a typical product-development process

When to Use
Which Method?

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    1. Attitudinal Vs. Behavioural

    This distinction contrasts 'what people say' with 'what people do.' Attitudinal research aims to understand or measure stated beliefs, commonly used in marketing departments.

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    2. Qualitative Vs. Quantitative

    Quantitative research gathers measurable, numerical data points, while qualitative research relies on non-numerical insights such as observations, opinions, and motivations.

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    3. Context of use

    This distinction, 'what people say' versus 'what people do,' reveals significant differences. Attitudinal research, vital in marketing, focuses on understanding or measuring stated beliefs.


Methods of Research

Pre-Project Research


With this technique, the designer collects psychological information and the behaviour of the potential targeted audience then creates imaginary users with these characteristics. The designer then models users’ interactions with the product and possible issues that can arise in the process.

Moderated discussion of the product with a select potential target audience is another method. Discussion will range from product features, benefits to drawbacks. The researcher can alter the group accordingly by age, gender or tech literacy to get data to see how these features can influence user behaviour.

Another method to use is surveys. By answering these survey questions, users provide real time feedback enabling designers to understand their preferences and wishes deeper.

Users are offered a number of options for the layout and can suggest their own vision of the construction.


Post-Project Research


Through A/B testing, businesses analyse user behavior to identify more effective design, layout, content, or features, enabling data-driven decisions and continuous improvement of digital assets for higher performance and better user satisfaction.

With this method special devices enable the designer to review which zones of the website or app users interact with more actively.

The analysis of the most clickable parts of the layout with the aim of designing clear interactions and revealing the problems.

The method looks into the users’ goals when interacting with the product. By understanding what the users want, designers are able to create a product to meet these goals fast and effectively.

Post Mortems

Project Reflection


A post-mortem of a finished product, also known as a retrospective or a project review, is a structured evaluation and analysis conducted after the completion of a project or product development. It aims to reflect on the successes, challenges, and lessons learned during the project’s lifecycle.

The insights gained from the post-mortem serve several purposes: to celebrate achievements, acknowledge contributions, identify areas for improvement, and inform future projects. It helps in fostering a culture of continuous improvement and enables the team to apply the lessons learned to enhance future project performance and deliver even better results in subsequent endeavors.

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